Techniques and equipment for sound recording have evolved enormously in recent years. However, equipment is not the only thing, it is also necessary to master the techniques of audio capture to ensure the best possible result. This theoretical and practical training will cover the use and choice of different types of microphones, their use in context (indoor-outdoor), the choice of a recorder, microphone placement, recording levels, and listening comparisons according to different sound recording configurations.

You will be able to
– control and optimize the use of your equipment
– choose the simplest and most suitable device for your conditions

Target clientele
Videographers, sound and media artists

A multidisciplinary artist with a degree from the École supérieure des arts décoratifs de Strasbourg, Frédéric Dutertre has been production coordinator at Sporobole’s laboratories for the past two years.

Saturday, November 14 and Sunday, November 15, 2015, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Number of participants: maximum 8

Offered in collaboration with the Conseil de la culture de l’Estrie, the training workshop MAITRISER LA PRISE DE SON is offered at a cost of $40 (actual cost $200). Take advantage of this exceptional price for a two-day workshop: Saturday, November 14 and Sunday, November 15, 2015, from 9 am to 5 pm.

To register, contact Marianne Mondon, Development Officer and Continuing Education Coordinator: 819-563-2744 or fill out the online form.